Nordic Walking
Nations Ministries

To You By

Nordic Walking Nations

A Walking Wellness Program
Healthy Congregations

Together We Can Change the World!

Our Churches are taking over the responsibilities of empowering their congregations with the Spiritual & Physical tools and support they need to live Healthier Lifestyles. Our healthcare systems are overwhelmed just providing medications. Also, most providers are not trained in Healthy Lifestyle Medicine.

Nations Nordic Walking Ministries is the simplest and most effective health and wellness program for churches. No matter how large or small your congregation, you can provide your members with the #1 Nordic Medical Pole Walking Exercise Program in the USA today!


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In memory of
Dr. Hans Diehl, H.Sc., M.P.H.  

A pioneer in the field of Healthy Lifestyle Living where he was the Director, Lifestyle Medicine Institute at Loma Linda, California. The cardiovascular epidemiologists was also is the Founder of CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program)

Churches more than ever are forming support groups for members suffering from the effects of aging, since 15,000 people a day (age 62 and 67 combined) are old enough to go onto social security, which will continue until 2030. Eighty percent of these support groups are trying to help people with medical conditions. Our program is able to address these many ailments, creating Hope and Purpose again in their lives!

Medical Support Groups

Benefiting from

Nordic Walking Programs

Nordic Walking With A Pastor

  • ADD Children and Adults Support Group
  • Alzheimer’s Support Group
  • Autism Support Group
  • Bipolar Support Group
  • Memory Care Support Group
  • Cancer Surviorship Support Group
  • Fall Prevention Support Group
  • Cardiac Support Group
  • Chronic Pain/Illness Support Group
  • Couples Infertility Support Group
  • Weight Loss Support Group
  • Depression & Anxiety Support Group
  • Families of those with Mental Illness support Group
  • HIV & AIDS Support Group
  • Kidney Disease Support Group
  • MS support Group
  • Family Wellness Support Group
  • Parkinson’s Support Group
  • Postpartum Depression
    Support Group
  • Prostate Cancer Support Group

According to the National Geographic, if you would like to be healthier and live longer, the number one principle for a healthy lifestyle is natural motion. God has given all of us an amazing body to live in, but many of us are suffering the shortcoming of living in this body, due to injuries, aging or not so healthy lifestyle. It would be great if we could just sit around and recover from our ailments, but that is not how it works. We must get up and start Walking God’s Path to Wellness and Recovery.

Nations Nordic Walking Program will not only improve the health and wellness of the members of your church, but is a great tool for community outreach to also impact the lifestyles of your local community. Your church could sponsor Nordic Walking events as fundraisers for worthy causes or help start Nordic Walking groups. Your church will then have a healthy influence on your local community in both physical and spiritual manner.

Nordic pole walking is a fun and social activity that is proven to improve stress management, mood, increase energy, general strength, flexibility, health and also highly effective for weight loss that contributes to better management and prevention of most chronic health conditions. It is a “Full Body Aerobic Resistance Exercise” creating cross motor function, which helps develop new neural pathways for better brain function.

Nordic Pole Walking provides twice the Health Benefits of regular walking in half the time. It can be done outdoors or in, on any surface and at any fitness level, even those in walkers or wheelchairs can benefit.

Churches have realized that if they want a healthy and happier congregation, then they need to invest in the health and wellness of their members. Doctors, who use our program has stated Nordic Pole Walking has been the missing link to Lifestyle Medicine which also includes plant based diets and proper nutrition.

Healthy for Every Age

Make Nordic Walking

a Family Affair

Walking is Medicine!


Nordic Pole Walking program is ideal for any Church

Health and Wellness Program for many reasons:

• Easy to learn with on-site or online training programs
• More effective exercise over walking without poles
• Just 10-30 minutes with poles and shoes
• Group or independent activity
• Year around walking
• Can be done by all ages and fitness levels

We work with churches large or small to create customized “Walking Exercise Programs” that works with your member’s needs. We also provide Stretching, Strengthening, Breathing and balance exercises as part of our program.

seniors walking
Nordic walking - active family audoor

Nordic Walking Nations is made up of a dedicated group of Healthcare Professionals and Health and Wellness Instructors, who have been certified in the proper technique of Nordic Pole Walking. This technique was developed in Finland in 1995 to deliver the maximum health and fitness benefits and is used throughout the world today.

There are over 350 Medical studies showing health improvements in most patients in 4-6 weeks no matter of the health condition or age. There are over 10 million people in Europe for over 23 years doing Nordic Walking as a regular weekly exercise.

Our Nordic Medical Walking program was just introduced into the USA to the medical community in September of 2017.

Regular walking programs are good…
but ours are better!

Our Nordic Walking Exercise program includes:

1. Online educational Training on pole set up, basic Nordic Walking technique and access to 33 rehabilitation exercises.
2. An engaging online educational presentation for members which we discuss the many health benefits of Nordic Pole Walking.
3. Our lifestyle consultants can also create a custom exercise program for your church.
4. We are available to answer questions and help train the members that will be leading the Nordic Walking Program for your church.
5. We can provide educational and inspiring articles on the health benefits of Nordic Walking from our Healthcare Providers in our quarterly newsletter.

We provide discounts on the purchase of our
Nordic Walking Poles for churches enrolled in our program.

Our programs will be easily implemented
and sustained by your members.

 “We are walking God’s Path to Health and Wellness”