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The Transition of Cross Country Skiing
into a Nordic Pole Walking Exercise Program

Since the early 20th century various forms of walking with poles have been used by cross country skiers to maintain physical fitness over the summer months.

In the spring of 1997 a Finnish sports institute and ski pole company came together to engineer special high performance poles. They also refined a Nordic walking technique which delivers the maximum health and fitness benefits. Thus, it was in Finland that today’s most widely used form of fitness walking with poles was born – hence the name “Nordic walking.” The rapid global rise and popularity of Nordic walking is practically incomparable to any other sport or activity.

Being such a time-efficient, low-stress, social and challenging total body workout that almost anyone can do is a tremendous and truly unbeatable combination – which explains why the Scandinavians and Europeans have taken to Nordic pole walking as their favorite activity so quickly. And it is no surprise that it is now spreading rapidly to every corner of the world, with amazing growth and popularity now happening in Canada and the USA.

Special Nordic Walking events are taking place throughout Europe today ranging from basic Nordic Walking to speed walking on all terrains.

Health Benefits of Nordic Walking

  • Nordic Walking provides twice the Health benefits as regular walking in half the time.
  • It provides all four types of exercise:
    Endurance, Strength, Balance and Flexibility.
  • It is a full body aerobic resistance exercise creating a cross motor function improving neural pathways for better brain function all in one walking exercise.
Special Nordic Walking Event
Phase One – Players are usually in rehabilitation to recover from trauma they suffered while playing their sport. They are receiving hands on therapies and exercise to get them back to their game by increasing endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.

Players will reach a point in treatment, where they will need to be transitioned into Phase Two a long term travel or home program. This program should help duplicate the areas of rehabilitation exercises the therapist has been giving them. Normally a therapist could transition their patients into a simple and easy travel or home program in 4-6 sessions, which is what teams are needing. This empowers their players to take control of their continued exercise program while on the road or at home.

Phase Two – Nordic Walking Nations Travel or Home Exercise Program is made up of walking, strengthening, stretching, breathing exercises creating better balance, flexibility, stability and endurance. It’s a “full body aerobic resistance exercise creating a cross motor function. It can be done indoors or outdoors and on any surface. Players with walkers or in wheel chairs can benefit.  It has a very high retention rate due to its simplicity and immediate results in most cases giving hope and an exercise program they can do at home or on the road without assistance.


More information available at:
Balance Tracking Systems

Nordic Pole Walking provides all four types of exercises!

Improve Your Endurance – Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and heart rate. These activities help keep you healthy, improve your fitness, and help you do the tasks you need to do every day. Endurance exercises improve the health of your heart, lungs, and circulatory system. They also delay or prevent many diseases that are common in older adults such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Improve Your Strength – To strengthen your muscles, you need to lift or push weight. Stronger muscles can make it easier to do everyday things like get up from a chair, climb stairs, carry groceries, open jars, and even play with your grandchildren. Lower-body strength exercises also will improve your balance.

Improve Your Balance – Each year, more than 2 million older Americans go to the emergency room because of fall-related injuries. Balance exercises can help prevent falls and avoid the disability that may result from falling.

Improve Your Flexibility – Flexibility, or stretching, exercises give you more freedom of movement for your physical activities and for everyday activities such as getting dressed and reaching objects on a shelf. Stretching exercises can improve your flexibility, but they will not improve your strength or endurance.